The story you're about to read is about two Thanksgiving days. You’re going to be hungry after you read this.
On both Thanksgiving days, I was very joyful. The first reason I was excited was that I got to see my cousin Collin and the rest of his family at Aunt Dorene’s house. Another reason why I was happy was that I got to see my Grammy, my Mom’s mom. When Collin’s family and my family went to the park across the street from Aunt Dorene’s house, Collin, Loren and I went played tag on the play structure. It was so hard to tag someone when I was “it” because everyone was faster than me. A BIG reason why I was happy was that I got to play on my cousin Carter’s Xbox 360. The Xbox is in a game room in their backyard. The game room has two funky looking chairs, one couch, a shelf for the games and the TV, and a small pile of junk. The car game Loren and I played was Project Gotham Racing 4. The BIGGEST reason why I was happy was that I got taught how to knit by my Aunt Ashley. It was hard at first, but then it got really easy. I was very happy after that. There was also a lot of food and smells. My favorite food was the green bean casserole because it tasted like octopus arms and onion rings mixed together, and it smelled liked onion rings plain. The food I liked least was the brussel sprouts because it looked like a brain, tasted like dirt and smelled like butter on lettuce. Everyone helped make the food and I tried everything there was to eat; My Dad Keith and my brother Loren made chocolate pudding, My Mom made yams, My Aunt Dorene had potato sausage (which is a Swedish dish), Aunt Chandra cooked the turkey, Matt made deviled eggs with bacon on them. So much to eat and smell on Thanksgiving. The two thanksgiving days were joyful. We had such a good time with family. - By Elliot
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